Stop your Android phone’s power/lock button abuse with Lock Screen Widget

I’m actually quite familiar with how quickly the power buttons of phones these days wear out, considering the power button on my archaic Nokia 5800 lasted all of 10 months. When I got the new Samsung Galaxy S Plus recently I made sure that I didn’t make the same mistake twice. So here comes an app, which is free by the way, that simply locks your screen when you click on it. Nothing more nothing less.

So go on, get the app here and stop abusing that power button already!

How to navigate quickly through your changes when merging code with Meld

I’ve been using the default merging tool in Ubuntu 12, Meld for any conflicts that pop up in our GIT repo’s code. Now this might be common knowledge for many, then again it might be unknown to others. To navigate quickly between the differences between the two files, place yourr mouse cursor between the panel between the two files, and simply scroll with your mouse scroll button. Each scroll will fast forward Meld to the next change/conflict. This saves you tons of time when working with large files, or files with a large number of changes between them.

BrowserID v/s OpenAuth

I personally prefer BrowserID. With the facebook/twitter logins popping up everywhere, you’re basically giving them all of your public info on a platter when you login using OpenAuth. With BrowserID all you need is an email address, and that’s all the participating site gets. No age, gender, your friends info etc. Just what you need to login, that’s all. But you won’t find many sites using BrowserID. That’s simply because the reason these sites have you login through facebook/twitter is simply that. They need to get your friends, your activities, your wall posts, etc… things they don’t necessarily need, but can certainly use. With BrowserID all they’d get is an email address, which doesn’t help them out a lot. Give BrowserID a try today.

Facebook/Twitter login in Zend framework

Great link to read up on integrating these two social network logins in your Zend application:

FYI:  Twitter’s API doesn’t return the email address of the user logging in with their service, thereby effectively reducing its purpose of a third party login system. Lots of people have been bugging Twitter about this, but they won’t be changing this anytime soon.

Non-english dates with strftime

Working on a multi-lingual project and struggling to get strftime() to return non-English date names in PHP? Your server probably doesn’t have the locales you’re looking for. Write this in a terminal:

locale -a

This should return you the list of installed locales. If you don’t find yours in there, you can install it:

sudo locale-gen <locale_name>

For eg., for French you’d write:

sudo locale-gen fr_FR.utf8

Now use strftime to get the localised date:

setlocale(LC_TIME, “fr_FR.utf8“);
echo strftime(” The time is: %A %B %C”);
